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Day 2
Bonus Assignments
10 points for every customer you talk to today while making customer calls
50 points for each new appointment you booked today
100 points for each guest who attends the sales meeting
100 points for each interview held and a sheet handed in
100 points for every face you do at a facial or class.
500 points for each new recruit.
50 points for coaching one hostess today.
100 points for reading a motivational book or listen to a tape daily for at least (15 minutes)
20 points for passing out a business card/sample and getting a name.
1 point for every dollar of product sold today.
1 point for every dollar of wholesale product ordered today.
50 points for writing an update on your Pacesetters Experience on the Dynasty Message Board.
50 points for calling your Director (once per week)

Lesson 2


There were many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love,
but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream, whatever that dream might be. ~ Pearl S. Buck

No new door is opened without the inner urge for growth. Dreams guide us, encourage us, stretch us to new heights and leave us momentarily empty when they are dashed.

We have been given resilience and a multitude of reasons for living. We have come to understand that when one dream serves us no longer, it is making way for an even better one. Our dreams are our teachers.

Today's Assignment:
50 pts
If you knew you couldn't fail, what would be your biggest dreams? Write your answer in the form below.
50 pts
Make a list of 100 things (or more) that you want in your life.
Examples might be: a new house, vacation, lunch with a girlfriend, clothes, to lose weight, start a fitness routine, a new boat, a grand piano, a night at the opera, to see the mountains, etc.
Start today with at least a minimum of 25, but make this an ongoing list.
Make it a detailed list. Rather than just saying you want to see the mountains, be specific. "I want to visit the Rockie Mountains in Colorado and stay in a cabin with a rushing river outside the door."
In the form below, tell me how many are on your list, and tell me one or two of them.
50 pts
When you accomplish the dream above, what difference will it make in your life? If you don't accomplish it, how will it affect your life? Answer in the form below.

"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!"
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)

Just begin typing in the form box. Just type like it is all one long line. You'll have plenty of room to type your message. Use the TAB key (left hand, little finger) to move to the next field. Don't hit the enter key because that will send it.  If you do by accident, then use your back button to go back, and finish, then send it again. After that, you may skip the Director and e-mail windows, but be sure to put your name in the form. If you're not from my unit, be sure to continue putting in the name of your Director, so your reports go to her.

If you couldn't fail what would be your dream?:
How many things on your list? Name 1 or 2.:
What difference will your dream make in your life?:
I completed the following bonus assignments today.:
Assignment Points for Today:
Today's Bonus Points:
Today's Total Points: