My first cousin, Lynda Sigle Janne's daughter, Ronda Janne Kogler, has worked on her genealogy, which includes all of us. Here is her website.
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Sigle-Sperry Genealogy
The Sigles and the Sperrys are quite entwined. Two Sigle brothers and one Sigle sister married two Sperry sisters and one Sperry brother.. Here's a brief genealogy. I have highlighted the children who married into the other family. A Sigle-Sperry Family Reunion started in 1945 that is still held today on the 3rd Sunday of August.

Sigle Family in America
Three brothers came to America from Iptingen, Wurtemburg, Germany. They were Christoph Frederick Sigle, John Christian Sigle, and Fred Sigle. Their siblings remained in Germany. They were Adam, Regania, Christine, and Charles.

Christoph Frederick Sigle (1837-1910)
Fannie H. Ward
1. Charles A. Sigle
2. Frank H. Sigle
3. Mary L. Sigle
4. James E. Sigle
5. Christoph F. Sigle, Jr.
6. Adelia R. Sigle
7. Emma M. Sigle
8. Fannie H. Sigle

Sperry Family

James Henry Sperry
Mary Jane Sutton
1. Thaddeus Sperry
2. Baby
3. Myrtle Sperry
4. Richard Elzon Sperry
5. Lovie Mae Sperry
7. Henry Clay Sperry
8. Doyle Sperry
9. Everett Sperry
10. Bessie Sperry
11. Bernice (died at age 2)

Christoph F. Sigle, Jr and Lovie Mae Sperry were my grandparents.
Their Children
Richard & Baby Boy Twin